
Star Trek: First Contact/星际旅行8:第一类接触

The political metaphor faded gradually off from Star Trek series (due to the relaxation of the international political relations) since the last Star Trek movie, and the whole series returned back to conventional sci-fi movies. This movie reminded the audience of the aspiration in territory-extension and confronting powerful enemies in the classic sci-fi films, which was very exciting.

上一部Star Trek开始,这个系列的政治隐喻逐渐消退(这也跟国际政治气氛的缓和有关),又重新回到科幻电影的常规轨道上来。本片又让观众想起了经典科幻电影中开疆拓土和面对强敌的那种豪情壮志,很赞。

Performance impression:
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes

Star Trek: First Contact (1996) on IMDb

