
Star Trek: Nemesis/星际旅行10:复仇女神

This movie is kind of different from the first nine, with the routinized Space Opera reduced a lot(Star Trek series becomes classic because of the America-Soviet confrontation), and became more like other sci-fi films, which might be one of the reasons why it was less attractive. How to keep its tradition while transferring to modern style, is the first issue for Star Trek series.

本片和前9部Star Trek都不太一样,模式化的太空歌剧的成分大为减少(Star Trek成为经典的很大原因是美苏两国的对峙),变得更像其他的科幻电影。这可能是它的吸引力下降的原因之一,如何在转型的同时也保持自己的传统,这是Star Trek系列要解决的问题。

Performance impression:
Director: Stuart Baird
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Tom Hardy

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) on IMDb

