
Le voyage dans la lune/A Trip to the Moon/月球旅行记

The movie, although less than 10 minutes, was one of the masterpieces in the movie history, especially the sci-fi movie history. Particularly, the part of artillery shell hitting the moon's disk face had became one of the classics in the movie history. Although it was short, the story was simple, it was fully equipped with almost all the sci-fi movie elements, and it adopted lots of filming techniques which has been usually adopted in sci-fi movie. This was one of the masterpieces of George Melies, the leading role in "Hugo".

The full movie:

本片虽然只有短短不到10分钟时间,但却是电影史上,尤其是科幻电影史上的代表作之一,尤其是炮弹击中月球的圆盘脸的形象已经成为电影史上的经典。它的故事虽然简单,但却完全具备了科幻电影的几乎所有要素,也熟练地运用了很多科幻电影常用的电影技术。这是《雨果》中的主人翁George Melies的代表作之一。

Performance impression:
Director: Georges Méliès (uncredited)
Stars: Georges Méliès, Victor André, Bleuette Bernon

A Trip to the Moon (1902) on IMDb

