
Inglourious Basterds/无耻混蛋

This movie's filming style, plots and the characters were all good, Brad Pitt offered a very commendable show. Yet, the ending which was clearly incompatible with the real historical outcome was puzzling, and it turned the mood of realism accumulated in the first 2 hours in the movie suddenly to kind of illusion. I don't know what the director wanted to show to the audience, personal fantasy? personal vent, or just to tell a fairy tale?

本片的拍摄手法、情节和人物都不错,Brad Pitt的演出也令人赞赏,但电影的结尾令人费解,明显与史实不符的结局让本片前2个小时所累积的现实主义情绪一下子转为虚幻,不知道导演是想表达一个什么样的情绪,是个人幻想,个人发泄,或者仅仅是讲述一个童话故事?

Performer Impression:
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Stars: Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, Eli Roth

Inglourious Basterds (2009) on IMDb

