
Puss in Boots/穿靴子的猫

In "Shrek", this cat impressed the audience most with his super-cute big eyes; in this movie he once again uses this powerful weapon besides his splendid sword skills. Dreamworks has always been good at adapting traditional fairy tales, and this one successfully includes the traditional fairy tale elements such as "magic beans", "Humpty-Dumpty" and "Jack and Jill". The Spanish-style details (like dances, music, decorations, etc) betters the movie considerably.

在《史莱克》中,这只猫给人印象最深的大概就是他的一双超萌的大眼睛,本片中他在好剑法之外再次施展了这一威力强大的武器。Dreamworks一向善于改造传统童话,本片也不例外,很好地把《魔豆》、《Humpty-Dumpty》、《Jack and Jill》等传统童话元素融入到本片中。西班牙风格的细节(舞蹈、音乐、装饰)为本片增色不少。

 Puss in Boots
(2011) on IMDb

