
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug/霍比特人2:史矛革之战

Honestly, the movie is a hard one, as it has to both continue the story of the first one, and be not too show-off at the same time to leave enough space for the next one. Well, surely the entering of the family of Elves (the prince by Orlando Bloom) and the fights through the stream are impressive.

实话说,本片是比较尴尬的一部,既要承接前一部的故事,又不能太喧宾夺主以免影响下一部的高潮决战。所以感觉是只讲了一半的故事。当然,精灵族(Orlando Bloom饰演王子)的出场和溪流中的追杀还是令人印象深刻的。

Performance impression:
Director: Peter Jackson
Stars: Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage,Evangeline Lilly,Orlando Bloom

 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
(2013) on IMDb

