
Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture/大海捞针: 张益唐与孪生素数猜想

This documentary helps the audience to better understand Yitang (Tom) Zhang and his work mainly on Twin Prime Conjecture. Twin Prime Conjecture is an issue in Number Theory; it is easy to understand but very difficult to prove. Yet, Yitang Zhang finally found a way to solve it after years of exploring, which is another milestone in Number Theory after Chen, Jingrun(陈景润).

Another reason why people are so interested in Yitang Zhang is that he had lived a tough life before his work was publicized: he was totally a little-known nobody in maths, a non-tenure lecturer at the University of New Hampshire. The documentary also focuses on Zhang's disadvantaged youth and his frustrations at his graduation. Luckily, his perseverance finally paid off. His experience is nothing but a legend.

Zhang Yitang's Paper download link

Performance impression:
Director: George Paul Csicsery
Stars: Yitang Zhang

 Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture
(2015) on IMDb

