This movie was the first long movie of Hark Tsui(徐克), and the audience can still feel lots of influence of the contemporary Kung Fu movies like those of Shaw Brothers'. This was a typical Gu Long (古龙) style story: Some big crisis appears in the Kung Fu world, some big warriors/detectives started to look for the reasons behind the crisis, there are some very weird findings, and finally they found the perpetrators/murderers hidden among some familiar guys. The movie was fairly good but seemed a little too occupied, maybe because Hark Tsui wanted to tell so many stories in one single movie.
I was young when I first watched this movie, and I could understand strongly the idea inside: Everyone could be a master/emperor, why can't I? Decades of years later, when I reviewed this movie, I just changed my mind: it's fine, I don't want that much, I could be a nobody, and I am not sure what's the benefit of being a master/emperor, as it may cost you too much if you don't deserve it.
