
Girl with a Pearl Earring/戴珍珠耳环的少女

This movie, deriving from the famous painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring", is a slow, quiet and soaking love story. Its style is just like paintings, looks like lots of classic paintings come to life.

The love between Vermeer the painter and Griet is surely doomed to have no result, both of them know about it, but they just can't refuse the feeling. The conflict inside inspires them to finish the great painting. Though this is the fabricated plot about the painting, it is still so touching and makes the audience enjoy the picture more.
 True painting

Picture by Scarlett Johansson

Performance impression:
Director: Peter Webber
Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Tom Wilkinson

Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) on IMDb

