
Red and Black/鬼干部

The writer of this movie is Lilian Lee Pik-Wah(李碧华), which guaranteed the quality of the movie.

It is a strong metaphor of the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in Mainland China. The blood evil (血魔) is actually the evil theories (like tyranny) coated by so-called greatness such as communism. Evil theories, as the blood evil, needs human blood to feed itself, need human bodies as sacrifice, and needs to govern the people to keep itself sustained so it is the enemy of democracy.

The fight between the blood evil and the demon-catchers is actually the fight between the so-called great Cultural Revolution and normal people. Although the people tried very hard to defeat the blood evil, but the ending part implied that the fight would continue, as the blood evil is easy to reappear in the world.

Full movie:


Gui gan bu (1991) on IMDb

