
John Rabe/拉贝日记

This is a biopic of John Rabe, who is regarded as the Chinese Schindler and protected thousands of people from being slaughtered in the 1937 Nanjing Massacre.

The movie is so heavy, but I managed to finish it. First, it is always so difficult to watch so many fellow citizens being raped and killed; second, I was so afraid that the movie may exaggerate some ugly behaviors and used that to attract the audience. Luckily, these two concerns did not bother me much, as the producer really did a good job in making the heavy movie a high-standard one.

We Chinese people lack serious reflection to our own history. This is a tragedy, because the Communist Party in power does not want the public to know real history, which may threaten their domination.

Performance impression:
Director: Florian Gallenberger
Stars: Ulrich Tukur, Daniel Brühl, Steve Buscemi

City of War: The Story of John Rabe (2009) on IMDb

