
Never Say Never Again/007外传之巡弋飞弹

This was the last one as Sean Connery starred as James Bond, so the name was meaningful. The story was a typical Bond one. The boss of the villain was kind of careless to let James Bond stepped in his own ship and walked around. Well, but Fatima the arrogant woman assasin who liked to boast her sexual attractiveness was more dangerous. In addition, young Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) starred a junior intelligence officer, and demonstrated his Bean-like performance in the movie.

本片是Sean Connery出演007的最后一集,片名也是有点意味深长。情节是007系列的典型模式,本片中的反一号显得有点粗心大意,居然让007登上自己的船还到处走,反而是吹嘘自己床上功夫第一的自负女杀手更让人觉得危险。另外,本片中的亮点就是年轻的憨豆先生(Rowan Atkinson)出演的配角情报人员,这个时候就已经把那么一股憨豆的劲儿给展现出来了。

Performance impression:
Actor: Sean Connery, Rowan Atkinson

Never Say Never Again (1983) on IMDb

