
The Man from Earth/这个男人来自地球

The movie might be the cheapest sci-fi movie up till now: it almost could be regarded as a talk show, a resigning man confessed to his colleagues that he was actually immortal. And his colleagues found out that he was also some well-known historical people such as Jesus Christ and once the neighbor of Van Gogh with the conversation developed. But the most important thing to his audience is that he was the real father of an aging colleague.

Talking movies could be attractive, like 12 Angry Men, and this movie is the similar, whose story is promoted almost purely by conversations. Conversion with suspending results would make the audience who understand the background information unconsciously participate into the conversation and enjoy the plays.



Performance impression:
Director: Richard Schenkman
Stars: David Lee Smith, Tony Todd, John Billingsley

The Man from Earth (2007) on IMDb

