
Batman Forever/永远的蝙蝠侠

There are lots of big stars in this movie. Yet, the story is acceptable, but the characterization is not very good. The audience could tell the psycho-inside of Riddler, but Two-face appears kind of too shallow. And the supporting roles are so shining that it seems a little difficult for the leading role Val Kilmer (Batman) to hold the performance.

I think the movie is so eager to cover the original comic books as much as possible, so in the same length, "Batman: The Dark Knight" offers an impressing Joker, "Batman: The Dark Knight Rise" offers an impressing Robin, but this movie does nothing but just introduces every supporting role.

本片可谓是众星云集,诸多大牌明星汇聚一堂,共同参演本片。不过抛开故事不说,本片在人物塑造上还是很单薄,Riddler还稍微有点内心戏,Two-face则过于脸谱化。而且配角过于耀眼,感觉男一号Val Kilmer(Batman)很难hold住场。我估计这可能是因为太想把太多漫画的东西塞到电影里了,所以同样的时间长度,《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》塑造出一个令人印象深刻的小丑,《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》让人记住了Robin,但本片就只能泛泛地把每个配角都讲一遍。

Performance impression:
Producer: Tim Burton
Director: Joel Schumacher
Stars: Val Kilmer,Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey,  Nicole Kidman, Chris O'Donnell, Drew Barrymore

Batman Forever (1995) on IMDb

