

This movie is much like a documentary. I, as a Chinese well knowing the cooking condition of Chinese food, did not feel that I need to wash my hands after watching the movie (its ad). Since the natural environment being destructed and the globalization deepening, the viruses' mutate and spread much more quickly, like SARS and H1N1. The movie is about the reactions of different people, from the public's desperate to a small family's grief. Of course, there are bureaucracy and conspirators.

The flashback structure of the movie is alarming: the movie does not disclose the origin of the virus until the end, which outline this tragic "human being boomerang" (the Chinese cooking way and the health condition of Chinese restaurants seem to have been always criticized by the West).



Performance impression:
Cast: Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet

Contagion (2011) on IMDb

