
After Earth/重返地球

This is a movie that you know the end at the beginning. The framework of "dangerous environment to promote family connection" is regular, so it is difficult to highlight itself. What's more, the story is boring, no more than a clumsy commercial of Will Smith to help his son to enter Hollywood world.

这是一部看到开头就知道结尾的片子,这种“危险中增进家庭感情”的故事框架并不稀奇,因此也很难拍出亮点。麻烦的是,故事平淡得很,充其量只能算是Will Smith帮助儿子进军好莱坞的赞助片罢了。

Performance impression:
Director: Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Stars: Will Smith, Jaden Smith

After Earth (2013) on IMDb

