
The Lone Ranger/独行侠

The structure of the movie is kind of loose, with the main clue not so prominent. It is supposed to be a common "double-hero-partner" framework, but the audience may not find so much chemistry between the two leading actors. Johnny Depp still looks like the captain in "Pirates of the Caribbean"; although the movie was actually his story, he seemed to be absent from the main story until the end. The director may try to compress his acting to avoid the movie to become his one-man show, but failed to balance well.

In fact, it is unnecessary to pile so many story themes; a unique exciting story is enough, and other materials could be left for the sequel (if any), say like "The Rise of Lone Ranger", just like other superhero trilogies do.

本片结构有点散漫,主要线索不太突出,本来应该是常见的英雄电影中的“双人搭档组”的叙事结构,但没觉得主要的两个男主角之间有擦出太多火花:Johnny Depp还是带着很浓的《加勒比海盗》的味道,虽然讲述的是他的故事,但他似乎游离在故事之外,直到影片结尾。导演可能已经尽量压缩了他的戏份,避免这部电影成为他的独角戏,但是又没有掌握好平衡。


Performance impression:
Director: Gore Verbinski
Stars: Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, William Fichtner, Helena Bonham Carter

The Lone Ranger (2013) on IMDb

