
Under the Sun/太阳之下/V paprscích slunce

This is a heavy documentary for all the audience, especially for those audience in China and North Korea, as it discloses a cruel truth: almost all of the official news/documentaries are not real, but propaganda. The audience can hear from nothing real from TV or newspapers, just lies again and again.

This documentary is very innovative, as it is a documentary about how to make a fake-documentary. It was made in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), or North Korea. At the very beginning of the movie, the filmmakers clearly told the audience: most of the movie was made up of "abandoned" filming materials, because the North Korean handlers would fabricate the whole screen-script (for excample, Lee Zin-Mi's parents' career had been both turned into some other jobs by the North Korean handlers for a better demonstration about the North Korea's brilliance), rehearse every scene before filming and supervise/edit the movie filmed.

Luckily, Vitaliy Manskiy the director tried to save a separate copy of the documentary for us to see how the artificial documentary was made. We can see how the North Korean handlers directed and rehearsed the actors/actresses to finish the filming. The director kept the repeated scenes to let the audience feel the ridiculous documenting.

There is endless praise for the late Kim's (Kim il sung and Kim Jong-il) and Kim Jong-un the current supreme leader of the North Korea. The three dictators built the tyranny and tried very successfully in brain-washing. Lee Zin-Mi, the little leading star, together with her several peers, participates in ceaseless devotion to Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-un, to be fooled by the adults around, and to fool others later in this big "Truman Show". Nothing is real, so nothing on screen can be trusted. But everyone in this big show tried to perform.

In the end, Lee Zin-Mi broke into tears when being asked whether she can recall something good. She Can't and she cried. The documentary may be false, but the tears were real. What concerns me is only one question:

What would the North Korea do to the little girl after this documentary is released?

 “What should I say now?”

 "According to Zin-Mi, her mother works at a cafeteria, but during the shoot she'll be working at an Exemplary Soy Milk factory."

Narration: The script of this film was assigned to us by the North Korean SOE. They also kindly provided us with an around the clock escort service, chose our filming locations and looked over all the footage we shot to make sure that we did not make any mistakes in showing the life of a perfectly ordinary family in the best country in the world, with a daughter preparing to join the Children's Union - her first step on the way to becoming a part of the system dreamed by the Great Kim Il-Sung.

Performance impression:
Director: Vitaliy Manskiy
Writer: Vitaliy Manskiy
Stars: Lee Zin-Mi, Yu-Yong, Hye-Yong

V luchakh solntsa (2015) on IMDb

