When he arrived in Kathmandu, he was informed that the Nepalese government had decided not to sign the extradition treaty, nor the agreement about the National Defense University. Nepal also refused Chinese money for building a new Parliament building and roads near the Chinese border.
—— Xi Jinping Defeated in Nepal, Threatens to “Smash Opponents into Pieces”
自由亚洲电台:习近平12日访问尼泊尔,希望双方签署引渡逃犯协议,但他到埗后,尼泊尔共产党政府拒绝签署,还拒绝接受中共为其建造新的国会大厦。习近平在加德满都讲话时说“任何支持分裂中国的外部势力,只能被中国人民视为痴心妄想。” 尼泊尔境内,共有近两万名中国西藏难民。