
Sophie's Revenge/非常完美

This movie is somewhat like its similar counterpart movie in Hollywood: after breakup with her ex-boyfriend (say boy A), a girl designed kinds of tricks trying to get him back with the aid of some handsome boy (say boy B) else. Yet, in the end, the girl would find that boy B is actually Mr. Right for her.

well, such kind of movie is funny, but, the point is we have had so many of them. Maybe the audience are more interested in the several movie stars than the movie itself, honestly, have not seen anything impressive in it except for some screening skills.


Sophie's Love Manual (2009) on IMDb


The King and the Mockingbird/Le Roi et l'oiseau/国王与小鸟

This cartoon is not targeted children, at least not for those who knew nothing about totalitarian. Although it tells the story of a France emperor, yet, it would take place in every totalitarian regime. It may be possible for an emperor to prison all those who are against his own governance for some time, however, it would be never possible to cage those people and the freedom forever.

Since this movie focuses on the conflicts between the justice and the evil, there are kinds of metaphor in this movie. For example, the emperor, the guards, the bird who is not afraid of emperor, the iron robot, the blind musician, and the prison. The more you know the world history, the more you may like it.

Performance impression:
Director: Paul Grimault

Le roi et l'oiseau (1980) on IMDb



This is a movie to make you feel miserable. Babel is more than an obstacle of languages, it is an obstacle of communication, a tough wall among people. All the people actually live in isolated islands in the world, and it always costs much to try to get through the wall, a tiny fault may cause big disaster due to the distrust among people.

Different stories are connected in the movie by a rifle, which seems like that this world is still connected inside. However, nothing changed after the rifle-event was gone, and the Babel is still the Babel. And, it is much sarcastic that the world is connected by a violence-symbol rifle, isn't it?

Performance impression:
Cast: Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Rinko Kikuchi

Babel (2006) on IMDb



This was the remake of the Hollywood counterpart "Cellular". I did not watch the former movie, but the Hong Kong one seemed fairly good according to its job. It had a complete story, fast-paced rhythm, prominent figures, also it added some small localized parts, easing the tense of the movie.



Bo chi tung wah (2008) on IMDb


Xiazai catches the thieves/虾仔擒盗记

This was a story about how children fought criminals, somewhat like "The Enigma of A Mid-lake Island", and of course in the end there would be policemen to clean up the mess. The leading child actor, who liked to eat roast goose butts, was so amusing and impressive.


 Xia Zai Qin Dao Ji
(1988) on IMDb


Fireworks of Peacock/孔雀的焰火

The was a story on the beauty inside. In order to emphasize the beauty inside, it was a usual way to deliberately highlight "ugly outside".


 Kong Que De Yan Huo
(1982) on IMDb



河马通讯社10月25日 记者卜靠普报道,上海市浦东新区闵行区交通执法大队召开三季度工作总结会议,全体执法工作者参加了会议,支部书记张吊鱼同志主持会议。队长李调钩同志作工 作总结,会议对全区交通执法工作进行了认真总结,分析了执法工作面临的形势和困难,并大力表扬了"钓鱼式执法"等新出现的执法方式,同时部署了下半年的工 作。市委相关领导参加了会议并发表了重要讲话。

三季度,闵行区交通执法工作取得了显著成效。一是执法检查工作全区覆盖率100%,过去很多无法覆盖的街道和偏僻的小路都已经完全覆盖到,交通环境大为改 善。二是查处各类非法营运车辆就达到7000多辆,对于这些车辆的处罚标准最少2000元,最多达到5万元。没收非法所得和处罚款超过200万元,挽回经 济损失100余元,有效地促进了交通治理,同时也很好地解决了交通执法总队财政收入的问题,得到了各级部门和一些非常明白真相的群众的大力支持。


市委相关同志讲话指出:闵行区交通执法工作取得的显著成效值得充分肯定。但更应充分认识交通执法工作所面临的新形式和困难,要大兴调查研究之风,研究新形 势下交通执法提出的新要求,要开展多种形式的钓鱼执法工作,同时把该种执法工作积极推广到兄弟城区,广钓鱼,钓大鱼,积极为财政收入做出自己的贡献。


Squirrel the Barber/松鼠理发师

A very interesting animation talking about one should not force to promote the unique standards (values) to all. This is a simple truth, but the present leaders of Chinese mainland do not understand.


Song Shu Li Fa Shi (1983) on IMDb


Bigger, Stronger, Faster/更大,更强,更快

The documentary's subtitle was "the side effect of being American" and it ironically mocked the slogan of the Olympic Games. It was like being kidding but it actually seriously discussed the social issue of abusing of hormone drugs (such as anabolic steroids). Be different from most people's acknowledgement, the abuse of hormone drugs had no longer been a pure sporting business, but had surrounded us and it seemed we still did not know its harm enough.


Performance impression:
Director: Chris Bell

Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008) on IMDb


Young Carpenter/青年鲁班

The movie was adapted according to the deeds of the former Chinese leader Li Ruihuan and was one of the praise of the Great Leap Forward. The audience still could be able to feel the vibrancy of the construction boom at the beginning of the founding of the nation in the movie. The love story was no more than a footnote of the movie, which was one of the characteristics of the movies in that era.


 Qing Nian Lu Ban
(1964) on IMDb


Promise Everything/有求必应

A funny animation about how the god of land solved the problems of four persons flexibly and wisely. There were no big deals, but if he had no "tiny smart ways", it really would not work.

I think a better translation of the name is: Where there is a will, there is a way.


 You Qiu Bi Ying
(1987) on IMDb


Super Soap/超级肥皂

Though this was an animation, it was really like a social or political metaphor: the blindly obedient public. When the public did not have their own values, only knowing to follow others, it would be easy for them to become a group of rabble in the movie.



Supersoap (1987) on IMDb



People would make no progress without curiosity, but would get in lethal trouble if they were too curious about something, which was really a dilemma paradox. This animation told a story in warm pictures but weird style, and would be useful to warn those kids with too much curiosity.

The full movie:


Alma (2009) on IMDb


On His Majesty's Secret Service/大内密探灵灵狗

This movie was a pure popcorn one, having mocked some former movies, just for fun, nothing else.



On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009) on IMDb


Modern Times/摩登时代

This movie was Charlie Chaplin's most well-known masterpiece, demonstrating how a single man (as an individual) made a living (or survived) in the great industrial age. Chaplin's superb performance showed completely the audience all the feelings of a humble guy, his own happiness, anger, sorrow and laugh. In particular, the movie's beginning part about the working scene in a large factory, was so often referred by many people later on its kinds of philosophical connotations, such as dissimilation from industrialization to human beings.


Performance impression:
Director/Writer: Charles Chaplin
Stars: Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Henry Bergman

Modan Taimusu (1936) on IMDb


War Games/战争游戏

The movie was an early one on hackers, reflecting the understanding to computer technology and hackers at that time, such as computers with ugly UI and how to dial phone numbers with computer. Yet, the movie already revealed the possible negative impact from great advance of computer technology. Although the movie was an early one, the influence of its story mode had been continuing.


WarGames (1983) on IMDb


A Bug's Life/虫虫特工队

The story was about ants, but it was really an adolescent growth movie on how a boy was accepted by the society in a humorous way and funny stories. A typical Disney good product. The ending part was also funny in another way: although this was an animation, the movie collected some pretentiously NG screen-shots, which was so amusing.

NG part:


A Bug's Life (1998) on IMDb


Love in Lushan Mountain/庐山恋

The movie was very influential; its story was actually routine: love triumphs past grudges, and the cast's performance was also modular, yet, the movie appeared in a era when there was mind-emancipation in China and everything was recreating, and the movie's ideological breakthrough was like a thunder, including the so-called "the first screen kiss since the foundation of new China", and the many sets of pretty clothing of the leading actress (it was very rare even by today's movie standard), or even little political description to Lushan Mount itself (Chinese people all know the reason), all of these were epoch-making breakthroughs.

Because of its many groundbreaking influence, the movie has kept being showing in Lushan cinema, and had become the longest showing movie ever since according to the Guinness Book of World Records.




Romance on Lushan Mountain (1980) on IMDb


Year One/元年

The movie showed the audience the beginning part of "the Holy Bible", in a humorous mocking tone of course. Those who were familiar with "the Holy Bible" would find it amusing. This one was kind of similar as "Life of Brian" but weaker in lacking allegory of reality.


Performance impression:
Director: Harold Ramis
Stars: Jack Black, Michael Cera, Olivia Wilde

Year One (2009) on IMDb


Handsome Suits/变身西装 ハンサム★スーツ

There seems to have an eternal issue about love: what in the end do you love the other in a relationship, his/her appearance or his/her inside-cultivation? The movie discussed the issue again in a sci-fi background: if in front of the love, would you show your own nature to others or mask it under "good-looking" dress? And the movie cleverly set a foreshadow at the end of the movie, and unified the outside and inside beauty.


Hansamu sûtsu (2008) on IMDb



河马新闻社 10月10日 记者朵猫猫报道 在以4:1大胜实力超群的非洲劲旅博茨瓦纳国家足球队之后,中国国家足球队经过国庆一个长假的休整,以3:1的大比分取得又一场友谊比赛的胜利,为走向2014年巴西足球世界杯开了一个好头。

本场比赛对于中国足球队来说并非一帆风顺,由于对场地、草皮、灯光、风速、风力、天气、观众、饮水、门柱、广告牌等因素均不适应,因此被北京老体协联队首 先破门得分。但此后中国足球队展现出良好的竞技状态和顽强的意志,在下半场掀起如潮攻势,不停在北京老体协联队前制造险情,并最终依靠对手的失误连入3 球,最终取得了本场的胜利。

在赛后的新闻发布会上,国足发言人朱协高兴地说,这场比赛,国足队员们打出了精神,打出了意志,打出了国足的豪迈与激情,打出了国足的团队协作精神。在谈到本场比赛的筹备情况时,朱协介绍说,针对对手的情况,国足的教练班子进行了针锋相对的细致的准备工作,在队员的管理上也非常严格。例如,在国庆期间,队 员们基本做到了不泡吧、不酗酒、不聚众斗殴,同时队里也开展了多种多样的思想工作,有效地减少了队员们对裁判和观众吐口水的行为。队员们贯彻了教练意图, 所以取得了本场胜利。

新闻发布会后,记者朵猫猫采访了90岁高龄的北京老体协联队教练兼守门员查要肌,请他就这场比赛谈谈自己的看法。查老不顾劳累,略带惭愧地说:"本场比赛 其实我们一直是占据主动,很可惜,由于我一直是打老年门球出身,只记得要把球打进门,忘了应该把球挡在门外,结果主动出击把球抱入球门,我要对本队的前2 个失球负全部责任,对不起大家的努力,非常惭愧。"在谈到第3个入球时,查老说该失球纯属意外。由于后卫队员谢亚凤女士一向负责街道卫生工作,刚上场的时候眼神不好,误以为脚下的足球是个垃圾袋,因此随意踢了一脚,误入自家球门。查老精神矍铄地表示:"我们将再接再厉,继续为中国男足冲出亚洲走向世界出一 份自己的力量。"


The Lion King II: Simba's Pride/狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀

The movie was the sequel of the former one, about the story of the little lions next generation. Yet, the story was not so wonderful as the first one: two little lions from misunderstanding to mutually accepting, which was more like a growth story of school teenagers. Thus although the movie skills were similar to the first one, it was a bit weaker comparatively.


Performance impression:
Directors: Darrell Rooney, Rob LaDuca

獅子王2:辛巴的榮耀 (Video 1998) on IMDb


Captain America/美国队长

Limited by its era, the movie surely can not be compared with the later "Captain America: The First Avenger" in visual effect. The Captain America in this movie is more like a regular soldier. And the US president in this movie knows kung fu and how to fight, which is the few points of this movie.


Performance impression:
Director: Albert Pyun

Captain America (1990) on IMDb


Star Trek: Nemesis/星际旅行10:复仇女神

This movie is kind of different from the first nine, with the routinized Space Opera reduced a lot(Star Trek series becomes classic because of the America-Soviet confrontation), and became more like other sci-fi films, which might be one of the reasons why it was less attractive. How to keep its tradition while transferring to modern style, is the first issue for Star Trek series.

本片和前9部Star Trek都不太一样,模式化的太空歌剧的成分大为减少(Star Trek成为经典的很大原因是美苏两国的对峙),变得更像其他的科幻电影。这可能是它的吸引力下降的原因之一,如何在转型的同时也保持自己的传统,这是Star Trek系列要解决的问题。

Performance impression:
Director: Stuart Baird
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Tom Hardy

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) on IMDb


Star Trek: Insurrection/星际旅行9:起义

In my opinion, the movie's point is the conflicts between civilizations, mainly between exterior civilizations and original ones. In fact, this is the story happening repeatedly on earth. How to improve communications among different civilizations and how the communicating norms should be, have been always the topics for sci-fi films.


Performance impression:
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) on IMDb


Star Trek: First Contact/星际旅行8:第一类接触

The political metaphor faded gradually off from Star Trek series (due to the relaxation of the international political relations) since the last Star Trek movie, and the whole series returned back to conventional sci-fi movies. This movie reminded the audience of the aspiration in territory-extension and confronting powerful enemies in the classic sci-fi films, which was very exciting.

上一部Star Trek开始,这个系列的政治隐喻逐渐消退(这也跟国际政治气氛的缓和有关),又重新回到科幻电影的常规轨道上来。本片又让观众想起了经典科幻电影中开疆拓土和面对强敌的那种豪情壮志,很赞。

Performance impression:
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes

Star Trek: First Contact (1996) on IMDb


Star Trek: Generations/星际旅行7:斗转星移

The movie could be regarded as the transfer of the two generations of Star Trek cast. Maybe because of the transfer, or there is something wrong with the story logic or the setting of the sci-tech background, the movie is somewhat far less than being perfect.

本片可以视为是两代Star Trek演员的交接,不知道是不是因为这个原因,抑或是电影本身的故事逻辑和科技背景设置存在一些问题,总感觉有些不尽兴。

Performance impression:
Director: David Carson
Stars: Patrick Stewart, William Shatner

Star Trek: Generations (1994) on IMDb