
Red Nose Day Actually/真爱至上:红鼻子日特别集

After 13 years, the cast of "Love Actually" reunite to pick up from where they are now. It is excited to see so many familiar friends to get together again.

Sadly Alan Rickman had died.

Rowan Atkinson, the "shop keeper"

Colin Firth, got married and had three children, besides one in pregnancy

Liam Neeson, met with his familiar daughter-in-law

Hugh Grant, still the PM, but not good at dancing any more

Bill Nighy, the slut rock star

And finally, Andrew Lincoln took his wife to Keira Knightley

Performance impression:
Directors: Richard Curtis, Mat Whitecross
Writer: Richard Curtis
Stars: Bill Nighy, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson

Red Nose Day Actually (2017– ) on IMDb

