
The Merchant of Venice/威尼斯商人

This movie is the real "the Merchant of Venice" in my mind: under the background of religious discrimination, how the so-called merchants of Venice (there are gays, playboys who know only pleasure-seeking and noble ladies who know only enjoying the ancestors' heritage and breaking the law) trick the honest Jewish merchant and break the regular business order by playing a word game. This may not be the original intent of Shakespeare, but probably closest to the fact. Al Pacino's performance is so vivid.

Performance impression:
Director: Michael Radford
Cast:  Al Pacino, Lynn Collins, Joseph Fiennes

本片完全拍出了我心目中的那个真实的《威尼斯商人》:在宗教歧视的背景下,所谓的正统威尼斯商人(有同性恋、只知道贪图享乐的纨绔子弟和坐享祖上遗产又徇私枉法的贵小姐)是如何玩弄文字游戏,戏弄了诚实守信的犹太商人,破坏了商业秩序的。这也许不是莎士比亚的原意,不过大概是最接近事实真相的解读。Al Pacino的表演非常传神。

The Merchant of Venice (2004) on IMDb

