

This was a typical representative one among the early 007 movies, while James Bond was not a Mr. Know-all and was just a handsome spy. In the movie, he reversed the whole situation by his pretty look: to cope with the pretty female villain. Some said that such a non-Mr. know-all guy was a real spy, but it may not be enough for the audience whose demand had increased a lot today.

By the way, the movie had many "Chinese characteristics" because the villain wanted to cooperate with the "evil Chinese communist government" to create economic crisis in the western world. Thus the villain's guard army were dressed like the Chinese Communist Force in 1930's and 1940's; the director learned the dressing probably from some documentary films. However, the movie had a flaw in understanding finance: as long as the asset (like gold) can be securitized, the villain's conspiracy to pollute the gold to make it unable to be transacted would not work. The plot design appeared maybe because the audience at that time did not understand the asset securitization nor the nuclear weapon.

In the movie, the fat judo guy with a confident smile, who was the opponent of James Bond, was somewhat impressive.

Note: No.3 of James Bond/007 series.


顺便说一下,本片有很多“中国特色”, 因为反派与“邪恶的中共政府”合作,试图在西方世界制造经济危机,以至于反派的雇佣兵们也是一幅三四十年代的中共军队的打扮,这大概是导演不知道从哪里的资料片看来的。不过,本片对金融的理解其实有点硬伤:只要资产可以证券化,那反派的阴谋——污染黄金使之无法交易——其实是不会起作用的。出现这样的情节,大概是因为当时的观众对资产证券化和原子能武器都不是特别了解。


Performance impression:
Director: Guy Hamilton
Actors: Sean Connery

Goldfinger (1964) on IMDb

