
Die Another Day/007之择日而亡

The movie was the last 007 movie that Pierce Brosnan starred as James Bond. At that time, the relationship between North Korea (Naughty Korea) and the western world was very tight, which was taken as the background of the movie. There were still many high-tech and various visual effects, and the part of chasing on the ice was very attractive.

In the cast, the No. 2 female leading role Rosamund Pike also starred as the leading role in "Johnny English Reborn", a Bean's version of 007 movies. And Kenneth Tsang was the well-known Hong Kong star who extended his performance career in Hollywood.

Note: No.20 of James Bond/007 series.

本片是Pierce Brosnan出演007的最后一部片子。这个时候北韩(调皮朝鲜)和西方的关系非常紧张,因此影片也以此为背景而展开。依然是各种特技效果的大展示,本片中冰面上追逐的部分很吸引人。

在演员中,本片中的女二号Rosamund Pike曾经在比较另类的憨豆版007影片《憨豆特工2》中也担纲主要角色。而曾江则是大家都很熟悉的闯荡好莱坞的香港男明星了。

Performance impression:
Director: Lee Tamahori
Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Rosamund Pike, Kenneth Tsang/曾江

Die Another Day (2002) on IMDb

