
Jackboots on Whitehall/怀特霍尔街上的长统靴

It is really rarely to watch such an animation when the CG ones triumph nowadays. Real location + Freeze-frame shooting would remind the audience of their own childhood. When we were children, wasn't it our way to play with toy soldiers?

The movie was somewhat like《Inglourious Basterds》, also based on jokes about World War II. Yet, it focused more on domestic situation inside the UK, such as the British royal family, Churchill, or even regional discrimination like the relationship between England and Scotland. Of course, it was kind of too bloody for the part of Scottish hero "Brave Heart" slaughtering those Germany army. And at the end of the movie, when the Scottish savages took the place of the Fritz and took England, don't you find something both funny and foolish on watching the repeating of history?


这片子有点像《Inglourious Basterds/无耻混蛋》,以恶搞二战为背景,不过它更多是着眼于英国国内,恶搞了英国王室、丘吉尔,甚至还有地域歧视,诸如英格兰和苏格兰的关系。当然,在苏格兰英雄“Brave Heart”带人屠杀德国军队一段,似乎血腥了些。片子最后,恶搞苏格兰野蛮人代替德国佬占领了英格兰,充斥着历史轮回哭笑不得的感觉。

Performance impression:
Directors: Edward McHenry, Rory McHenry

Jackboots on Whitehall (2010) on IMDb

