
Horrible Bosses/恶老板

As well as "Hangover", the movie was also an American-style comedy. Its point was the predecessors' dedicated performance (Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Farrell). Although they were the supporting roles in the ending list of the movie, they actually contributed more than 50% of the movie. The African American who looked like an assassin and just be released from prison was so funny, as his so-called big crime was actually filming pirated VCDs, which was hilarious.

和《宿醉》一样,本片也是美国风格的喜剧片。本片的最大看点在于前辈们(Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston 和 Colin Farrell)的倾力出演,虽然他们在片尾名单是配角,但至少做出了超过一半的贡献。还有那个刚刚出狱的黑人,一脸杀手相,结果他所谓的“弥天大罪”原来只是拍盗版碟,这个也很搞。

Performance impression:
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston, Colin Farrell, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis

Horrible Bosses (2011) on IMDb

