Well, this movie let me down. I had expected to watch a story of delicate conspiracy or smart intelligence design or strong court debate. Yet I failed. When the lawyer the leading man broke out of the police office, the movie became a clumsy story of a redeeming lawyer who wanted to defend his family against the villain by Samuel Jackson.
The story might be much better if the murderer who tortured and killed the villain's (by Samuel Jackson) wife and daughter had been the step-brother of the lawyer, which would make the story more complicated and arresting.
Performance impression:
Director: Peter Howitt (as Peter P. Croudins)
Writer: Peter A. Dowling
Stars: Dominic Cooper, Samuel L. Jackson, Gloria Reuben
![Reasonable Doubt (2014) on IMDb](https://ia.media-imdb.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/images/imdb_46x22.png)
The story might be much better if the murderer who tortured and killed the villain's (by Samuel Jackson) wife and daughter had been the step-brother of the lawyer, which would make the story more complicated and arresting.
Performance impression:
Director: Peter Howitt (as Peter P. Croudins)
Writer: Peter A. Dowling
Stars: Dominic Cooper, Samuel L. Jackson, Gloria Reuben
![Reasonable Doubt (2014) on IMDb](https://ia.media-imdb.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/images/imdb_46x22.png)