

When I read this book when I was younger, I got so touched about Fu Lei's consideration and care of his son Fu Cong and their art attainments. But after I knew Fu Lei slapped Fu Cong just because he made some little mistakes in playing violin, I realized Fu Lei treated Fu Cong his own son just as a piece of artwork, a product, but not a human being, which was one of the reasons why Fu Cong stayed out of China and refused to come back. With the background information, I have been not touched any more when reading the book.

To treat one's own son/daughter as a piece of product may be the normal phenomena in China at that time, and some people defend it by claiming the son/daughter would be successful later when growing up. Take Fu Cong as an example: he became one of world class pianists after being trained ruthlessly by his father Fu Lei. No, sorry, of course not. Families are not factories. There must be love and connection inside a family, not just endless training. Fu Cong then refused to come back to China, just because he knew this was a factory, not a family. If you're a piece of product, is there any reason for you to go back to the place where you were produced? No, of course you would not. That was exactly Fu Cong's choice, which is also the reason why I am not interested in this book any more.

