

中国江苏海安一名银行职员正在清点人民币。(图片来源:XU JINBAI/ Feature China/Future Publishing via Getty Images)











What is the solution? When no private developers are willing to purchase land, local governments can rely on their wholly-owned urban investment companies (or local state-owned developers) to participate in land auctions and maintain land prices. In this manner, local governments can secure income from land sales, enabling them to repay the principal and interest owed to financial institutions.


However, urban investment companies may also lack funds. To acquire land from local governments, they issue urban investment bonds to borrow money. Local government bonds can also be used to facilitate land purchases by urban investment companies, with bond yields as low as 4%.


Once urban investment companies purchase land, they cannot allow the prices of new homes to decrease. This is crucial for the companies to recover their construction costs, have enough resources to repay urban investment bonds, and be able to purchase additional land from the government. To achieve this, local governments have implemented policies to limit the decline in new home prices. Additionally, the central government has instructed financial institutions to provide loans to local governments for the acquisition of new homes built by government-affiliated companies. This ensures that urban investment firms can repay the interest on their bonds, allowing them to continue purchasing land from local governments. This, in turn, enables local governments to repay the principal and interest owed to financial institutions, thereby maintaining the continuity of this chain of transactions.


If urban investment companies fail to develop the land they purchase from local governments, the government will reclaim it after two years. The government will then release new land, and urban investment companies will continue to buy land by issuing urban investment bonds to obtain funds for land purchases. In this way, urban investment companies lose money on each piece of land, and local government debt and urban investment debt accumulate over time.


On China's Zhihu website, people have estimated the debt scale of Chinese urban investment companies from different perspectives, with the lowest figure being ¥60 trillion. If commercial paper issued by urban investment companies, unpublicized guarantees, and many other hidden items are taken into account, the debt of urban investment companies in various regions of China may exceed ¥100 trillion.


Local governments in China also receive transfer payments from the central government, which are mostly obtained through deficits or issuing bonds. Deficits refer to the money printed by the central bank and loaned to the central government, which in theory should be repaid to the central bank. Issuing bonds means that the central government issues treasury bonds, such as special national bonds and special-purpose national bonds, to borrow money from financial institutions and the public. The central government then transfers the borrowed money to local governments. Thus, this portion of local government income is also borrowed.


The central bank is currently increasing the money supply, but it must be careful not to overdo it. Although the Renminbi (RMB) is not freely convertible, it is still part of the international monetary system, and the amount of money printed must be disclosed; it cannot be printed casually. However, Chinese financial institutions have the ability to leverage off their debts.


China's use of debt leverage is quite concerning. China's debt market leverage issue is quite concerning. As an example, consider Urban Investment Company A, which uses its own land as collateral after an evaluation and borrows liquid cash from Bank B. The debt generated from the collateralized land may then, under the guidance of Bank B, be jointly used by Urban Investment Company A and Financial Institution B to issue a trust fund to Investment Trust Company C. Subsequently, the trust fund issued by Investment Trust Company C could be treated as the initiator's capital and be used to issue a private equity fund, Fund D.


In this situation, Company A merely assessed and used the land as collateral, but still managed to obtain funds from various sources. This process is known as leverage.

通过杠杆放大借来的资金,投到社会上,可能会被用来购买产品,购买服务,雇佣人员,等于是活跃了社会的经济,产生了繁荣的景象。不过从另一方面说,如果城投公司A,不能从活跃社会经济的最终收益中,拿到本金和利息的收益,就会导致借给他钱的B银行存款人,C投资信托公司的投资人,D 股权私募基金的投资人,他们的资金就会遭受重大的损失。

By leveraging borrowed funds and investing them into society, it is possible that these funds are used to purchase products, services, and hire personnel, ultimately stimulating the economy and creating a prosperous environment. However, on the other hand, if Urban Investment Company A is unable to generate sufficient returns from the economic activities to cover the principal and interest payments, it can result in significant losses for various parties involved, such as depositors of Bank B, investors in Investment Trust Company C, and investors in private equity fund D.


In the years before Xi Jinping fully assumed his autocratic role, the Chinese elite had already recognized the alarming consequences of their nation's frenzied, borrowing-driven growth model. In response, the State Council vigorously promoted risk reduction and deleveraging to the greatest extent possible. A crucial measure in this effort was utilizing the stock market to address the problem, aiming to resolve potential leverage risks for all companies, local government-related enterprises, and individuals involved with financial institutions.


At that time, the Chinese stock market had a large number of IPOs for direct financing, which helped companies repay their loans and debts, including hidden debts, thus reducing their leverage. This is one of the reasons why the Chinese stock market has experienced such a significant decline over the years, going from its peak of over 6,000 points to around 3,000 points currently. This unusual phenomenon has not been seen elsewhere in the world and is mainly due to direct financing being used to repay debts and reduce leverage.


However, compared to the massive debt market of over 65 trillion RMB, the current methods and means of reducing leverage are akin to a drop in the bucket.


Faced with an ever-growing debt repayment burden, the CCP has increased lending and converted all available resources and creditworthiness into funds for debt repayment. In many cases, local governments were forced to mortgage and guarantee everything they could when borrowing through urban investment corporations. Not only were underground pipelines mortgaged, but entire buildings were also put up as collateral, leaving many local governments in China as mere empty shells. In response, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a document late last year to prevent local governments from mortgaging all of their urban infrastructure. However, it was a step too late, as public records show that Chinese local governments have already mortgaged almost everything they could.

中国以前特别害怕的内保外贷的借贷方式都开始用上了,内保外贷借贷方式就是允许房地产境内的担保在境外进行融资,这比银行贷款恐怖的多,内保外贷是曾经 让中国的金融体系吃过大亏,现在竟然能开放,就能想象到现在借贷的疯狂。

China, which was once wary of outbound guarantees, has now started to embrace them. This approach enables domestic real estate guarantees to secure financing from abroad, a strategy that carries far more risks than traditional bank loans. In the past, outbound guarantees had inflicted significant losses on China's financial system. The recent resurgence of this practice highlights the current frenzy of borrowing, raising concerns about its long-term consequences.


。In the short term, this strategy serves as a balm to assuage a considerable portion of the risk pressures entwined with economic development, delivering much-needed financial relief to certain regions and adeptly curbing leverage. However, in the long run, after four decades of China's relentless pursuit of reform and opening up, it still lacks a sustainable economic paradigm capable of carrying the nation's economic vitality. Apart from the lifeblood of foreign trade exports, China's economic tapestry is devoid of any formidable pillar industries that could galvanize its developmental momentum. The nation lags behind, overshadowed by the United States' high-tech prowess and the time-honored traditional commerce of the United Kingdom and Europe.


China's development over the past 40 years has been built on borrowing from the future. Local governments have sold off all available land and mortgaged what they could and what they couldn't! Now the borrowed money has been exhausted, with all means of borrowing depleted. These funds have poured into the Chinese economy, creating a false sense of prosperity. The government has named it “stimulating economic development through investment,” but in reality, it has only created investments without real economic stimulus or industries capable of meeting the needs of 1.4 billion people.


China's industries do not compare with those of the West that drive economic development. It has yet to form any reputable and mature industries, from software to automotive, civil aviation, internet, artificial intelligence, or precision machine tool. Even in the global financial sector, China's development is not up to par.


Without industries capable of repaying debts, local governments in China must find ways to postpone them. In response, seasoned banking professionals have taken up positions as deputy mayors in charge of finance in several cities. These new deputy mayors, with their banking industry connections and resources, will do their best to extend and restructure local government debt. However, this merely postpones the repayment date.


If local governments are unable to repay their debts, China's current financial institutions have no solution available. Local banks, securities firms, insurance companies, and small loan companies often hold local government debt, urban investment bonds, and hidden debts. Many institutions with state-owned enterprise backgrounds are selling their equity in these financial institutions due to risk assessments. The future of these local small financial institutions is almost irreversible, and if they collapse or restructure, a large number of depositors and investors may not be able to recover their money.


It is suggested that there are no real solutions to the social and economic crises caused by policies implemented by the Chinese leadership over the past four decades. Some analysts believe that no leader or party of other countries would have any better ideas in addressing these problems. If certain measures, such as a wartime economy or military management, are not implemented by Xi Jinping by 2023, it is predicted that resorting to excessive money printing may be the only option to avoid the great China collapse.

