This is one of the best movies to memorize the disappointing era of the Mainland China, especially the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution is a large harm to human history and to every single family in China at that time. Limited by the bureaucratic censorship, Zhang Yimou the director can only focus on the agony of a normal family to reflect the agony of all the people in that era, which what he can do best.
Compared to the similar-themed movie "The Blue Kite", this movie is much more subtle and it tried best to ignore judging the government and the communist party. That is the reason why it can be launched publicly and the latter was banned.
In my opinion, the cut-broken photos are strong metaphors for the modern Chinese history. The photos are our history, yet, lots of tragedies happen, and the government or the communist party want us to forget the history, to erase the history liking cutting the photos. Yet, we the people can not forget the real history, real people, real tragedies around us; we can not let the real history being just erased off our memory.