
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2/哈利·波特与死亡圣器 下

As the finale of Harry Potter series, the movie did a good job. It did not just make up a final fight based on the former six (actually seven) movies to cope the audience, but really connected the former six movies with a unique clue -- Professor Snape's love story and to make the Harry Potter series as a whole, and realized J. K. Rowling's grand idea. The Professor Snape's love story was so brilliant that the former 6.5 movies almost became the bedding/footnote for it and Harry Potter almost became the biggest supporting role in film history.

In addition, just to make some comment, as a female writer, J. K. Rowling obvious was good at describing love stories, but apparently so not very good at writing bad guys and the political conflicts. Voldemort, in her writing, was no more than a strengthened version of a street punk. He was bad, yes, but too shallow, too vulgar, too low-class, not skilled, did not know how to conquer politically, it seemed he can do nothing bad except for so-called "killing innocent people". Although everyone in the movie used "you know who" to call him, but he was so less impressive to audience compared with Hannibal in "Silence of the Lambs" or John Doe in "Se7en".

Since this is the final episode of Harry Potter's story, the three gif's below would be a good memory for all the fans:


另外,顺便吐个槽,作为女性作家,罗琳长于描写男女情爱,但显然并不擅长写坏人和政治斗争。伏地魔在她笔下还是一个街头打斗小混混的放大版。坏得低级,流俗,不上层次,没有技术含量,也不懂得政治斗争,除了所谓的“滥杀无辜”外似乎做不了什么坏事。虽然电影里大家都在用“那个谁”来称呼伏地魔,但给观众的感觉显然比不上《沉默的羔羊》里的汉尼拔和《七宗罪》里的John Doe。

Performance impression:
Director: David Yates
Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) on IMDb

